
Deploy a Digital Sign in 5 Minutes with Chromebit

Deploy a Digital Sign in 5 Minutes with Chromebit

This is why many digital sign CMS providers are worried their revenue streams will dry up. While some may want the granular control of dayparting and future scheduling, many clients just need an engaging sign, with the ability to change menu prices, tenant names, and the like. And now you can do all of that for next to nothing, no license required, no subscriptions. If you want detailed scheduling (vs. regular content refresh), with dayparting, you can still opt for two low-cost and impressive paths forward. This article covers the powerful Local Area Network – remote update with no license path.

Before we provide the sneak peek and basics, you can see check out the program in full, and if you are a sign professional, sign up for the full, 9-minute guided tutorial for the famous 5-Minute Digital Sign install!

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