Welding Basics for Beginners
About Instructor
First in a series! Great for new welders or as a refresher for any pro! Unfortunately, there is no single welding process suitable for all applications, so let’s begin with an overview of the basic processes and highlight the capabilities and advantages of each. This will help match a process to your specific needs.
If you have previous welding experience, feel free to skip ahead. If you’re a beginner, this section will give you a better understanding of the types of welders available, how each performs and the degree of welding skill required to operate each. In addition, you’ll find examples of specific applications best suited to each process.
Matching your needs and welding skills with a process is critical before moving on to discuss specific welder model options.
The most common welding processes are MIG, TIG and stick. Each process has its own benefits and limitations and is better suited to certain applications. There’s no “one size fits all” approach.
What this introductory video covers
- MIG vs TIG vs Stick Welding
- The advantages and disadvantages of each weld type
- Best application for each type
- The appropriate weld by material type
Doing Some Good
Special thanks to Miller Welders for this contribution!
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