Coffee with T

Fresh, caffeinated tips and resources presented by Teresa M. Young


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Consider a Career in the Sign Industry 5/5 (13)

6:08 Minutes Teresa M Young Free

A lot of doubts might come to mind if you are contemplating a video presentation using your cell phone and your home/ office desk. For those of you who have been asking how to capture the raw video for best results, this short video is for you, and is a perfect example of cell phone capture.

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Coffee with T – Better Raw Video Footage Results 5/5 (10)

6:08 Minutes Teresa M Young Free

A lot of doubts might come to mind if you are contemplating a video presentation using your cell phone and your home/ office desk. For those of you who have been asking how to capture the raw video for best results, this short video is for you, and is a perfect example of cell phone capture.