The Most Important Marketing Tool
About Instructor

Teresa Young says, “For the past thirty years, metaphor and story have been a big part of how I communicate with entrepreneurs.
Many of you have heard me suggest you eat the frog first – that is, get the worst task out of the way first thing. Others have heard me point out the frog in the pot of water – the temperature rising so gradually the frog never jumps out… You know who you are! And “the tail that wags the dog” when a client or other person holds your business hostage.
And you’ve heard me say, Best to ride the horse in the direction it’s going! Some of you who’ve been around for a while may recall that I presented A Left Brain Right Brain interactive workshop back in 2009 for the International Sign Association. Nearly 200 attendees were astonished at the test we conducted of their corpus collosum! The full keynote incorporates neuroscience, metaphor and persona tools to yield astonishing results for sales and marketing.
This excerpt today features one of the latest and greatest new tools for your client interactions to a new level! This is the use of Personas. The 13-minute video gives clear examples of how to use these in your marketing.
Sign Biz, Inc.
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