This is powerful keynote address delivers “GPS” for the changing digital communication and visual needs in the signage industry. Get to know your hires and buyers!
Presenter: Whitney Klinkenborg, Marketing Director, Gemini, Inc.
Here’s a preview of the presentation by Mark Kissling, Editor in Chief, Signs of the Times magazine. What are the latest trends in signage? How can hiring be enhanced? What about outsourcing? These questions are addressed in the full video here in the School of Sign Arts Video Library!
A day sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the International Sign Association (ISA) to help local businesses educate students on how manufacturing offers rewarding, good paying and highly-skilled career choices.
From licensing and bidding, to equipment and people, this is PRICELESS insight from one who has been there. Speaker and VP (former Owner) of SignWorks of Monterey, Tom Carr.
Learn the legal “hacks” will give you the power of an HR pro, and reveal the true culture fit of your potential hires! “One of the best seminars I have ever attended.” Michael Kelley, President & COO, N.Glantz & Son.
In this video, you’ll see what each generation values most in employee benefits, so you can better inform your company’s benefits strategy. Click for more resources.